Peter & The Wolf / Carnival of Animals

The Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival invite you to enjoy new jazz interpretations of two popular classical works: Prokofiev’s Peter & the Wolf and Saint-Saens’ Carnival of the Animals.
Another 5* Review for SNJO’s Peter & the Wolf / Carnival of the Animals

Having cast transformational brilliance over Mozart’s 9th piano concerto, how would the Scottish National Jazz Orchestra, directed by saxophonist Tommy Smith and guest pianist Makoto Ozone, handle these two much-loved popular classics? In the event they pulled off a double bill that combined virtuosity and ingenuity with unadulterated theatricality.
5* Review for magical Peter & the Wolf / Carnival of the Animals

The Scottish National Jazz Orchestra were once again tonight pushing the boundaries of what many people would expect a Jazz Orchestra to be playing, as two classical works were given new interpretations: “Peter and The Wolf” by SNJO founder/director Tommy Smith, and “Carnival of the Animals” by internationally credited musician and composer Makoto Ozone.
Peter & The Wolf / Carnival of Animals

The SNJO are delighted to invite audiences of all ages to enjoy wonderful new interpretations of two of the most universally popular children’s classics Peter & the Wolf and Carnival of the Animals.
Jeunehomme: Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 9 K-271

The SNJO are delighted to announce that our latest CD, JEUNEHOMME featuring pianist Makoto Ozone has just been released on the Spartacus Record label.
Review ‘Jeunehomme’ – Mozart’s 9th Piano Concerto

“SNJO/Makoto Ozone: Jeunehomme review – a clever and sympathetic crossover project.” Mozart was 21 when he wrote the K271 Jeunehomme piano concerto, and some connoisseurs consider it his first masterpiece. But if the Scottish National Jazz Orchestra are daunted by its prestige and cascade of ideas, they don’t show it. Nor does Japanese jazz pianist Makoto Ozone, who has […]
SNJO swings towards its 20th anniversary by Rob Adams

When Kurt Elling sings with the Scottish National Jazz Orchestra in May, he’ll be celebrating not only the centenary of Frank Sinatra and the twentieth anniversary of the orchestra itself, he’ll also be celebrating his fifth return to the city where he studied as a young divinity student, Edinburgh.
Mozart’s 9th Piano Concerto & Rhapsody In Blue

Makoto Ozone is a superbly gifted pianist, composer and arranger.

***** JEUNEHOMME: Mozart’s 9th Piano Concerto No. 9 K-271 [break]Audacious isn’t the word for last year’s venture by the SNJO when, working on the premise that young Wolfgang Amadeus was as much an improviser as he was an inventive pianist and composer, they commissioned renowned Japanese pianist Makoto Ozone to arrange Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 9 […]