SNJO swings towards its 20th anniversary by Rob Adams

When Kurt Elling sings with the Scottish National Jazz Orchestra in May, he’ll be celebrating not only the centenary of Frank Sinatra and the twentieth anniversary of the orchestra itself, he’ll also be celebrating his fifth return to the city where he studied as a young divinity student, Edinburgh.
Mozart’s 9th Piano Concerto & Rhapsody In Blue

Makoto Ozone is a superbly gifted pianist, composer and arranger.

***** JEUNEHOMME: Mozart’s 9th Piano Concerto No. 9 K-271 [break]Audacious isn’t the word for last year’s venture by the SNJO when, working on the premise that young Wolfgang Amadeus was as much an improviser as he was an inventive pianist and composer, they commissioned renowned Japanese pianist Makoto Ozone to arrange Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 9 […]